A global community unified in purpose to relieve human suffering in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Province of Pakistan through improvements in quality and accessibility of healthcare.
Our goal at Telha Foundation is to create medical facilities in the Karak District of Pakistan which put people first, while implementing quality treatments and excellent patient care through all stages. Patients and their families will be informed about their healthcare decisions and able to receive the care they want in a supportive environment.
Make quality healthcare available to relieve the disease burden in the area, starting with Telha Foundation Primary Healthcare Center. Development of the Center requires a multi-faceted approach of innovative strategies in the areas of quality and safety, clinical care, finance and growth, community engagement, and education. Telha Foundation’s goals in each of these areas are:
Clinical Care
Primary supportive care is integrated throughout treatment; specialty care is readily accessible; patients are informed and engaged throughout treatment.
Community Engagement
Engage and educate the community to improve population health.
Finance and Growth
Ensure a sound financial position by optimizing efficiencies and evaluating opportunities for growth, in particular fundraising from an international perspective.
Quality and Safety
Treatment quality domains and patient-reported outcomes are
high and included in all initiatives.
Patients and families feel informed and understood in making decisions in the treatment setting. All providers of disease treatment have knowledge, demonstrated skills, and ongoing training in patient care.